Construction of a Creative Art Centre |
![]() “Creativity” would be an important element of education in the 21st century, and the litmus test for the effectiveness of a school in this modern era. Thus our school has begun to renovate the art room into a Creative Art Centre with a sense of times. The design of this room integrates classical and modern artistic elements, as well as the religious concept of the Tree of Life which runs through the entire school. One of the inner walls will be used as the display shelf to show students’ works, and the corridor outside will become an artistic gallery to honour the superb fruits of the students, so as to incite students’ creative ardour and potentials. Another inner wall will be covered all with mirrors, so that this room can also be used as a dancing room. ![]() If you are having the same mind with us and care for the education for social vulnerable youths, please support us with your donation, either through online donation. Any donation more than HK$100 is eligible for tax deduction. Ways to send your donations (1) Mail cheque to the school: The cheque should be crossed, made payable to「 The IMC of PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School 」 To facilitate the mailing of the receipt of approved charitable donation, you are suggested to write down the name of the donor, contact number or e-mail on the back of the cheque. (2) To donate by HSBC e-banking Bill Payment HSBC internet banking: Under “Charity Donation”, please select 「PAOC KA CHI SEC SCH- DONATION」 as the beneficiary organisation. Input your telephone number as the Bill Payee Account Number. ![]() (3) PPS on internet
(4) Deposit your donation into the school account as follows: The Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) or The Bank of East Asia Hong Kong (BEA) Name of Account :The IMC of PAOC Ka Chi Secondary School HSBC Account No:004-808-559488-292 BEA Account No: 015-149-40-400436-5 To facilitate the mailing of the receipt of approved charitable donation, you are suggested to write down the name of the donor, contact number or e-mail on the back of the cheque.
(5) Donate with credit card |