Theory & Praxis on Learning and Teaching |
1、Foreword Rome was not built in one day; but educating a person may take even longer. The full-fledged educational reforms in recent years coupled with the introduction of the New Senior Secondary curriculum have made study more profound and challenging, and students are put in a situation more demanding than ever. However we are not intimidated in face of such a great challenge. We thank our Lord instead for seeing us worthy for such an important and challenging mission, and deeply believe that by His wisdom and power we are capable to equip our students to a splendid life and for the use of God. As it is time to draft an upcoming 3-year plan, we would like to take this occasion to do some reflections on the theory and praxis on our learning and teaching here at Ka Chi, and to sketch a blue-print for our further development.2、The Learning Process We are never short of theories on learning, and one is soon replaced by another. Nevertheless, despite all the differences, few would deny that the following steps are the essentials in the learning process: ![]() Motivation Learning has to be motivated. The best teacher cannot teach a student who refuses to learn, hence motivation to study always precedes learning. There are different levels of motivation. Some use penalty and harshness; others use reward and recognition. But it has been pointed out that these two means do not have long-lasting effects. If a good relationship exists between the teacher and the student, punishment can be a short-term stimulation. Yet prolonged punishment would produce resentment and frustration, and hampers the motivation to study. Intermittent praises can also be a short-term trigger, but continuous acclamations would lose its hook, unless the stimulation keeps becoming bigger and bigger. Neither of these two can sustain, because they are not internalized. The best motivation should be an intrinsic pursuit, a form of self-actualization. A. Marslow’s research on the hierarchy of needs tells us that the pre-requisites of self-actualization are the senses of safety, belongings and self-esteem. All these are not easy to be bestowed in the teaching process, but have to be created through an intimate teacher-student relationship and a caring campus. This is even more so to those under-achievers in our school. Prior study A prior knowledge in what we are going to learn can facilitate the reception process, and this helps in learning. For the under-achievers, it is even more necessary to have a mental preparation in what is lying ahead, and learning becomes less scary. Yet the habit of prior study is not easy to develop. It takes a strong learning motivation and a good studying habit. However, trainings since childhood may bear its fruit in the senior forms. Learning A passionate learning motivation together with an ample prior-study would not work its magic without an appropriate learning process, which, we believe, should include the following elements: a. Revision on the main points learned in the last lesson; b. A clear agenda of what is to be learned in this lesson; c. A starting point that is appropriate to the learners’ standard; d. An appropriate scaffold guiding learners to achieve the goal; e. Suitable challenge in each step of the scaffold; f. A good discernment on learners’ barriers of learning, and appropriate steps to lead them across these barriers. g. Occasions to help learners construct their knowledge. Learning is a process of active construction. The weaker the students, the more difficult it is to learn directly from lectures.Catering for learners’ diversity through well-designed learning activities so that students can learn according to their own pace. h. Immediate assessment to diagnose the learning effectiveness so that timely remedy can be made. The assessment is two-fold, one by the teacher on the students, the other by the students on their own learning. i. Consolidation of knowledge by the end of each lesson so as to wrap up what has been learned. Revision Our brains tend to delete memory. Therefore revision after class is essential. This includes revision of text-books, tidying-up notes and doing exercises. This is also a habit that has to be trained, and a passion of learning is required. Assessment Assessments on learning give information to teachers and students alike on what have been learned and what not, so that the next step forward can be charted out. Assessments have to be frequent so that remedy can be given before it is too late. The emphasis of the assessments is on what have been learned instead of what have not, so as not to dampen the motivation of the students. Follow-up The assessments allow teachers to devise plans to help students achieve the goal, and give focus for the remedial classes. 3、Our Present Situation Ka Chi has already made much academic progress in the past ten years of reform, and, based on this solid foundation, we are striving to push further ahead and develop Ka Chi into a place where students can stretch their academic potentials. Composition of students As a result of popular education, the number of SEN students has been increasing in recent years, and they are facing a variety of learning difficulties. On the other hand of the spectrum, there are also more and more high academic achievers, who have strong learning motivations, good studying habits and sound academic foundations. On the broadening of these two ends, the diversity of learners is continuously widening, causing a greater challenge to teaching. Learning motivations Undeniably many of our students are in lack of motivations in learning. A handful of elite students are certainly not enough to stir other students up to strive for excellence. On the contrary, the under-achievers may choose to give up due to the great contrast with the winners. Reasons for the lack of motivation can be numerous, but they are all probably linked to two inter-related factors. The first is the lack of confidence due to constant failure. Another is the lack of dreams about the future, being convinced that they could not be anybody of significance in life. The result is a low self-esteem. The school has been on the right track in cultivating students’ confidence, ambition and compassion. Through the multiple intelligences institute and the student ambassadors program, students’ self-confidence is established. Through value education, form associations and cell groups, an intimate relationship between students and teachers has been developed. Students strive for the best because of the appreciation and care of the teachers, which is the proper way to inculcate intrinsic motivations. At present, the school is adopting a student-centred management mentality, which alleviates the tension between the students and the school. Through all these measures, the school has provided a fertile ground in which students can develop their motivations in learning. But why is it that students’ learning motivation has not been greatly enhanced in all these years? There may be two reasons. Firstly, the focus of student nurture has been on the spiritual development of students instead of their academic progress. Secondly, students are still facing a harsh future that may not be able to contain many colourful dreams. Studying habits The lack of good studying habits has been the Achilles’ heel of Ka Chi students. Most of the students do not have the habits of prior study, taking notes and revision. The school has devised various schemes to cultivate the studying habits. The quiet studying time in junior forms aims to nurture the habits of prior study and reflections, and there are frequent quizzes to push students to revise what they have learned. But not many teachers would set questions on prior study, and the reflection topics are often not very effective in cultivating students’ habits in revision and self-studying. The frequent quizzes may be helpful to some, but most of the students would only study minutes ahead of the quizzes and do not have a studying timetable for revision. Notes are usually provided by the teachers, which saves the students from the process of digestion and organization. Learning and teaching The school has spent quite a lot of energy on the reform of learning and teaching, and has already established a good framework of teaching. The three priorities in preparing for the learning attitude, the strategies of low starting point, small steps, many activities and quick feedback, cooperative learning in groups, grouping of diverse abilities, catering for learning diversities in teaching as well as in assessment, all these are effective strategies in helping the under-achievers. Collaborative lesson planning, lesson observations, assignment inspections, staff development programs, all these are supporting and monitoring the process of teaching. Yet there are still several minor gaps between the beginning and the end of the process. They are namely, revision of the last lesson, stating the agenda of the lesson, self-evaluation of students, and the consolidation of the lesson. The lesson can become more complete by fitting in these several rings. Lesson observation is another aspect that deserves further development, as there is at present only lesson observations by the senior staff, and the culture of whole-school lesson observation has not yet emerged. Assessment and follow-up The school has a well-established policy on assessment and follow-up. Quizzes are frequent, weekly on Chinese and English, and even daily on Mathematics. Other subjects also have bi-weekly quizzes. There is the nurturing scheme to take care of those who fail in the quizzes. Besides that, there are also tutorial classes and elite classes to help those who can do better. The policy itself is sound, on which implementation the effect depends. 4. Policies on Learning and Teaching An inviting campus
Studying habits
Teaching routines
Follow-up measures
Staff development
Extensive reading scheme Extensive reading is very important to the development of self-learning and the equipping of students as a life-long learner. As the previous quiet reading time is not as effective as it should be, the Academic Committee is launching a new extensive reading scheme as a substitution.