2013-14 English Study Tour Cambodia Missions Trip

Day 1
We all arrived safe and sound in Phnom Penh. The temps outside was 31 degs C.The students got settled into their rooms and we met in the hotel restaurant for dinner tonight. We went to a local supermarket and bought some extra bottled water for everyone so they will have enough for tonight and tomorrow.Everyone is doing fine and we will meet for breakfast at 7:30 am. The van driver will come around 8:30 am and drive us out to a village area.
Day 2
We went by van to the village area where the couple, Matthew and Rita, live and minister. We listen to them share a little of their ministry then went to visit a village Primary & Secondary school. We later went to a poorer village area and the KCSS team ( on a dirt road) did a skit and sang a song.Went for lunch in a Cambodian style restaurant whereby we sat on the floor with hammocks around us. Some of the team enjoyed sitting/sleeping in them. The team was a little tired from the heat.We then went to the riverside for a boat trip up and down the river. Came back and ate some Chinese food in a restaurant near the hotel.Everyone is doing well except a little tired.
Day 3
Today was a really full day. In the morning we first went to the Cambodia Bible institute where I have been teaching over the past several years. The students had a tour of the campus.
We then went to visit the Daughters/Sons of Cambodia which is a Christian organization that provides employment and training for young women and men caught up in the "sex trade" industry. It has training/teaching workshops for printing T-shirts, jewellery, sewing, woodworking, etc. Quite an amazing ministry to young women and men who have become free from a very desperate life.
Afterwards we visited an orphanage which has 20 simple homes for parents/children with HIV and many group homes for around 200 children. Each home has a women (house mother) and 10 children. They also have a primary school on the grounds.Went for lunch in a Vietnamese restaurant then drove to a village area for two house visits of two Cambodian young ladies who attend a local Gospel centre.We drove to a factory unit and had a tour of two small factories making garments. Rested a little in the Gospel centre and then @5:30pm there was an afternoon meeting for children of that area ( around 40 children/ young people attended). The KCSS students did a one-hour+ program for the children. They sang some songs in English, did a "Jesus" skit, played some groups games. The team did really well and the children seemed to enjoy the afternoon program. The team gave out balloons and prizes for correct answers.This Gospel centre was the second place we left some "used" clothes all of the team members brought with them. We decided to let the pastor sort and decide which children and families should receive these clothes as she knows the community best. The clothes were sincerely appreciated by the pastor.
Drove back into the city and went with a group of Cambodian young people for a "Pizza Night." There was a total of 15 including the KCSS team.The weather continues to be sunny and hot.Everyone doing OK with no major problems.
Day 4
This morning we went to the "Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum". It was previously a high school but was taken over and used as a detention, interrogation, torture and execution centre by the Khmer Rouge from 1975-1979. It is believed that around 15,000 - 20,000 Cambodians were tortured and killed in this place. It was a reminder to all of us of the horrible and destructive things than humans can do to one another.We had a word of prayer outside of the centre and asked for God's protection and peace to surround our lives.Drove to the waterfront area of Phnom Penh and dropped into the Daughters' of Cambodia Visitor's centre. There was jewellery, clothing and arts/crafts made by the ladies for sale inside the shop. It was a good time for the students to buy some small gifts for family and friends. We then went upstairs to their Sugar 'n Spice cafe for lunch.Afterwards we went to the Central Market and split into two groups so the students could walk around and buy some gifts and souvenirs. It was really hot and sunny. Some of the students were able to bargain for some good prices of gifts.The team rested a little in the late afternoon and the boys went swimming in the hotel pool. We later went out to a Cambodian/Chinese restaurant for a delicious dinner. Denise and I know the owner who is a Cambodian Christian and have eaten in her restaurant many times over the years.
At the end of the dinner we had a time for sharing and reflecting on the trip so far and some personal experiences. It was a good day for all. We will be going to the ICA English International Church on Sunday morning.
Day 5
It is hard to believe that the team has been here for 5 days already.This morning we went to the Phnom Penh ICA International Church service. It was a good service with over 500 people in attendance. There was a Christmas theme of the angel's message to Mary and her response. At the end of the service there was a water baptism for 5 Chinese believers.For lunch we went to a small Vietnamese restaurant near the hotel. We split up into two groups of 5 and took two tuk-tuks to a market in town. The students really enjoyed the ride and then looking around for souvenirs. It was extremely hot inside the market area with little air circulation.-We walked along the road to a cafe for some cold drinks. In the evening we all met some Chinese friends for a buffet dinner in a Cambodian/Chinese restaurant. It was a good evening of eating and fellowship. Some of the students were feeling a little tired so everyone went back to the hotel to pack and hopefully get to bed a little earlier for our flight back to HK tomorrow.